Karehe Footbridge
Ngororero, Rwanda
Bridges to Prosperity
Knight Architects, Price & Myers
A life-changing link for isolated communities
Bridges to Prosperity works with isolated communities to create access to essential healthcare, education, and economic opportunities by building footbridges over impassable rivers.
When the Rukubi River floods for two months out of every year, the residents of Karambo and Rabogeshi are cut off from health clinics, schools, government services, markets, and farms.
During the dry season community members cross using a temporary timber bridge, which is unsafe and is often washed away during flood events. The communities had suffered the loss of two children in the previous year due to unsafe crossing.
In February 2018, the team of volunteers from Price & Myers and Knight Architects travelled to Rwanda to work alongside a local team to construct a 70m suspended footbridge that spans the river at the communities’ key crossing point.
Now complete, the bridge will provide year-round safe crossing for local communities to access markets, schools, medical services, among other basic services.
Learn more about this project here and Bridges to Prosperity.
“It is great to work for a company that supports and shares a vision for how we can use our skills to help people directly. Living and working with the amazing local people to help build their new bridge is an experience I will never forget”